AR7157 - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Nottington -

NOT – Neil Lillystone – SOUTH WEST CARPET CO. – Black Cat Virtual Studio

NOT – Neil Lillystone – SOUTH WEST CARPET CO. – Black Cat Virtual Studio

NOT – Neil Lillystone – SOUTH WEST CARPET CO. – Black Cat Virtual Studio

NOT – Neil Lillystone – SOUTH WEST CARPET CO. – Black Cat Virtual Studio

NOT – Neil Lillystone – SOUTH WEST CARPET CO. – Black Cat Virtual Studio – NOTtington

NOT – Neil Lillystone – SOUTH WEST CARPET CO. – Black Cat Virtual Studio

south west carpet co.

south west carpet co.

south west carpet co.

link to some stuff to do with trying out the 3D scanner on my iphone – ar7157 = = Neil Lillystone

link to some stuff to do with trying out the 3D scanner on my iphone – ar7157 = = Neil Lillystone

link to some stuff to do with trying out the 3D scanner on my iphone – ar7157 = = Neil Lillystone


ar7157 - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Virtual Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone -

handbag #7

handbag #7

handbag #7

ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone


ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone


ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone


ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - screenshot montage  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone AR7157 - wire from a bottle of wine and it's shadow on the wall  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone AR7157 - empty speech bubble  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - framed print - flats on Portland  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

work in progress - Neil Lillystone - AR7157.COM work in progress - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - new experimental interiors lab - NEIL - on the way to St Tropez - neuulook - - Neil Lillystone AR7157 - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - new experimental interiors lab - NEIL -Neil Lillystone

Black Cat Virtual Studio


AR7157 - Neil Lillystone

Pirates Cove


AR7157 - new experimental interiors lab - NEIL - on the way to St Tropez - neuulook - - Neil Lillystone

+44 7584834498


AR7157 - new experimental interiors lab - NEIL - on the way to St Tropez - neuulook - - Neil Lillystone



Nottington circa 1900 - note the building that is not there now - the intended site of our new pencil skyscraper 
head offices and studio complex

Nottington circa 1900 – note the building that is not there now – the intended site of our new pencil skyscraper head offices and studio complex and multi–level basement.

NOT – Neil Lillystone – SOUTH WEST CARPET CO. – Black Cat Virtual Studio

AR7157 - stencil cut from a cereal packet  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

I'm trying out some new stuff today the 11TH April 2024

© Neil Lillystone

Paris - neil ciao neil ciao – PARIS

camper van in the Alps - on the way to Saint-Tropez camper van in the Alps - on the way to Saint-Tropezon the way to Saint–Tropez
standard lamp - ciao.neil standard lamp – ciao.neil

surfboards - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

stove and carpets - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

buttercups at Pirates Cove - Ranunculus acris - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

I often draw inspiration from the works of Elizabeth Frink – Barbara Hepworth – Antoni Gaudi